ISO Quality Standard

The ISO 9000 family is an internationally recognized quality management standard for companies and organizations. In 2003, Brown & Riding became the first ever wholesale insurance brokerage in the United States to successfully implement a Quality Management System certified to ISO 9001.*

ISO certification logo

Our Quality Management System (QMS) ensures your business is being handled with the highest service standards and levels of consistency, no matter who you work with in our organization. The eight quality management principles on which the ISO quality standard is based are used as a framework to guide our organization towards continual improved performance and delivering greater value to our clients:

  1.   Customer focus
  2.   Leadership
  3.   Involvement of people
  4.   Process approach
  5.   System approach to management
  6.   Continual improvement
  7.   Factual approach to decision making
  8.   Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Achieving and maintaining this quality standard and certification is an extensive process. We are required to conduct internal audits on a continual basis throughout each year. We also undergo rigorous external audits by Intertek annually, and our QMS is recertified every year.

What does this mean for you?

Our quality objectives and internal procedures have a clear focus on delivering greater value to our clients. Areas covered by our QMS include:

  1. Marketing process – Our marketing process for new and renewal business helps to make certain that your business is protected, that communication is clear, and that errors are minimized.
  2. Marketing portal – You receive online access and full transparency on the markets we approach, service time frames, and deadlines with 24/7 access to status reports on where your submission is at all times.
  3. Proposals – You’ll receive timely, detailed, and accurate quotes and sample policy forms in most instances.
  4. Binders – You’ll get accurate binders delivered within strict time frames.
  5. Client feedback accountability – We systematically listen to what you have to say, and our people are held strictly accountable to your feedback. How you feel about our work is how we measure our success.
  6. Policy checking and timely delivery standards – Your policies are reviewed thoroughly for accuracy and delivered promptly within strict time frames.
  7. Market security standards – We monitor and inform you of changes in market security, and we systematically assess and develop strategies to ensure that our market relationships are as good as or better than our top competitors.
  8. Employee training & development – Our high standards and procedures ensure our people are competent and trained to properly handle your business.
Our people understand and are accountable to our quality policy

At Brown & Riding, our employees:

  • Understand client expectations before making promises
  • Deliver what we promise
  • Continually look for ways to promise and deliver more

Learn more about the ISO 9001 standard and certification.

Quality Scorecard

ISO Chart

Our Quality Management System requires us to continually gather client feedback on each of our production teams. Clients are randomly selected to anonymously complete a satisfaction survey on a transaction handled within the prior 30 days. Survey responses are based on a scale of 1 to 5. Thousands of responses have helped us establish greater accountability and develop numerous improvements to our service delivery.

This process and discipline helps us ensure the highest level of accountability to client satisfaction in the industry. Overall, our approach to quality service is based on some simple but important ideas:

  • We know what retail agents want because we ask them
  • Our processes work well because we constantly monitor, fine tune, and improve them
  • We are easy to work with because we are dedicated to providing quality service
* Brown & Riding’s Quality Management System has been certified to ISO 9001 in the following office locations:

  • Atlanta, GA
  • Chicago, IL
  • Dallas, TX
  • Grand Rapids, MI
  • Houston, TX
  • Kansas City, MO
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Oxford, MS
  • Seattle, WA
  • Tampa, FL
  • Woodland Hills, CA

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